Griya Jurnal Bustanul Ulum Mojokerto
Sekretariat: Gang Masjid Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Bustanul Ulum Mojokerto Dsn. Sasap Ds. Modongan Kec. Sooko Kab. Mojokerto, Jawa Timur (61361) Email:, WA : 082131349797
Majapahit Journal of English Studies
Majapahit Journal of English Studies is a journal of English language teaching, linguistics, and literature. The Journal provides in-depth research and analysis in various areas, including English language teaching (methods, strategies, teaching media, assessment, etc.), English Linguistics (phonology, syntax, morphosyntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, etc.), and English literature (including comparative studies and the implementation of literature in English language teaching). It publishes the issues twice a year, in March and September.
Malacca: Journal of Management and Business Development
Malacca: Journal of Management and Business Development (MJMBD) is a media publication manuscript that contains the results of business management and economic development applied to peer-reviewed. MJMBD is published twice a year in April and November. Manuscripts published in the MJMBD include the results of scientific research, original articles, and scientific reviews that are new.
Danadyaksa: Post Modern Economy Journal
Danadyaksa: Post Modern Economy Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year (March and September) by Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Bustanul Ulum Mojokerto. Jurnal Ekonomi is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of economic research. Danadyaksa invites manuscripts on various topics to include, including but not limited to functional areas of Entrepreneurship, Strategic Alliances, Microeconomics, Behavioral and Health Economics, Government Regulation, Taxation, Macroeconomics, Financial Markets, Investment, Banking, International Economics, Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Development, Accounting, Management, and Sharia Economy.
Sahwahita: Community Engagement Journal
Sahwahita: Community Engagement Journal is a journal managed by Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Bustanul Ulum Mojokerto. This journal contains articles of community service with the scope of Training and Marketing that are utilized for Community Empowerment, SMEs and Local Communities; Community Service Activities; Empowerment of Border Area Communities; Education for Sustainable Development; Community Empowerment Program; Design and Reach Appropriate Technology for Communities.
Anjasmoro: Islamic Interdisciplinary Journal
Anjasmoro: Islamic Interdisciplinary Journal (AIIJ) (E-ISSN: 3026-6556) is published biannually by Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Bustanul Ulum Mojokerto. It serves as a platform for intellectual exchanges and interdisciplinary studies on various aspects of Islam including, but not limited to, theology, law, education, economy and politics and how they are historically and contingently embedded, expressed and articulated in a variety of historical contexts. The Journal welcomes contributions from scholars and researchers of various disciplinary backgrounds in the form of original (theoretical and empirical) research articles on various issues related to Islam in both its normative and historical dimensions.