About the Journal

Anjasmoro: Islamic Interdisciplinary Journal (AIIJ) (E-ISSN: 3026-6556) is published biannually by Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Bustanul Ulum Mojokerto. It serves as a platform for intellectual exchanges and interdisciplinary studies on various aspects of Islam including, but not limited to, theology, law, education, economy and politics and how they are historically and contingently embedded, expressed and articulated in a variety of historical contexts. The Journal welcomes contributions from scholars and researchers of various disciplinary backgrounds in the form of original (theoretical and empirical) research articles on various issues related to Islam in both its normative and historical dimensions.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2025): Islamic Education
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Journal title Anjasmoro: Islamic Interdisciplinary Journal
English Title Anjasmoro: Islamic Interdisciplinary Journal
Abbreviation AIIJ
Frequency 2 issues per year (March and September)
DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.69965/Anjasmoro
Online ISSN 3026-6556
Language English
Editor-in-chief Muhammad Mujtaba Mitra Zuana, (Scopus ID: 58038230100)
Publisher Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Bustanul Ulum Mojokerto
Citation Analysis Google Scholar. Dimension, Garuda, Crossref

Anjasmoro: Islamic Interdisciplinary Journal (AIIJ) is the leading journal in Islamic educational institutions concerning Islamic education. The journal promotes research and scholarly discussion concerning Islamic Education in Academic disciplines and Institutions, focusing on the advancement of scholarship in both formal and non-formal education.  Topics might be about Islamic educational studies in madrasahs (Islamic schools), and pesantren (Islamic boarding schools).