Anjasmoro: Islamic Interdisciplinary Journal
<p><strong>Anjasmoro: Islamic Interdisciplinary Journal (AIIJ) (E-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">3026-6556</a>) </strong>is published biannually by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Bustanul Ulum Mojokerto</strong></a>. It serves as a platform for intellectual exchanges and interdisciplinary studies on various aspects of Islam including, but not limited to, theology, law, education, economy and politics and how they are historically and contingently embedded, expressed and articulated in a variety of historical contexts. The Journal welcomes contributions from scholars and researchers of various disciplinary backgrounds in the form of original (theoretical and empirical) research articles on various issues related to Islam in both its normative and historical dimensions.</p>Yayasan Pendidikan Bustanul Ulum Mojokertoen-USAnjasmoro: Islamic Interdisciplinary Journal3026-6556The Role of Islamic Boarding Schools as Educational Institutions for Forming the Character of Students
<p>Islamic boarding schools are Islamic educational institutions that provide teaching, education, and example every second, minute, and hour from a kyai to its students. Education in Islamic boarding schools aims to forge students into independent individuals and develop a spirit of togetherness, which includes an attitude of mutual assistance, solidarity, and brotherhood among fellow students. In terms of individual character development, Islamic boarding schools teach a frugal attitude and simple living that is far from consumerism. The role of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia is not only as educational institutions but also as religious institutions which are the basis for the process of forming the character of the people. In Islamic boarding schools, the basics of science are taught to shape the character of the people, because having good character is an obligation that students must have when they enter society. As a da'wah mission in the form of providing an example. Thus, Islamic boarding schools as Islamic educational institutions have great potential for the formation of human resources and the potential for realizing the nation's intelligence prosperity, and good character. There is quite a bit of da'wah that can be done through Islamic boarding schools, both da'wah which conveys Islamic teachings, as well as da'wah about life and of course for the formation of the character of the people.</p>Heru SiswantoAliyu Dahiru Muhammad
Copyright (c) 2024 Anjasmoro: Islamic Interdisciplinary Journal
2024-06-172024-06-172111310.69965/anjasmoro.v2i1.75Implementation of Islamic Religious Education Learning to Improve Emotional Intelligence of Students at Roudhotul Athfal Darul Ulum Mancilan, Pasuruan City
<p>Implementation is an action or implementation of a plan that has been prepared carefully and in detail, usually carried out after the planning is considered perfect. Islamic Religious Education is a process of transforming knowledge and internalizing Islamic values to develop the basic potential of students to achieve balance in various aspects of life. The goal is to prepare a generation of Muslims with noble morals to build a prosperous, harmonious, and sustainable society according to Allah's law. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach, which was conducted at Roudlotul Athfal Darul Ulum Mancilan, Pasuruan. This study aims to describe Islamic Religious Education at Roudlotul Athfal Darul Ulum Mancilan, Pasuruan City, and to describe the implementation of Islamic Religious Education learning in improving students' emotional intelligence at the institution. The research findings show that interactive and integrative Islamic Religious Education learning has a positive impact on the development of students' emotional intelligence, including their ability to identify, manage, and express emotions adaptively. Parental involvement also plays an important role in strengthening this positive impact. Early childhood education that is implemented well is expected to produce quality individuals, while if ignored, children have the potential to face problems in the future.</p>Mustabsyiroh MustabsyirohAinur RofiqHichem Hamza
Copyright (c) 2024 Anjasmoro: Islamic Interdisciplinary Journal
2024-09-102024-09-1021142310.69965/anjasmoro.v2i1.84Religious Digital Literacy and Prevention of Radicalism in Schools
<p>Religious digital literacy is an urgent need for students in this era. The influence of digital information is very large on religious understanding and practice because digital product users are now free to access whatever information they need. This research aims to determine religious digital literacy practices and prevent radicalism in schools. This research uses a systematic literature review approach whose main sources are relevant books and scientific journals. This research shows that religious digital literacy practices are carried out using relevant religious digital learning sources. This is done to provide easy access for students so they can improve their understanding and critical thinking. This religious digital literacy practice also requires supervision and assistance from teachers and parents. Preventing radicalism in schools can be done by training students' critical thinking skills in accessing and using all available digital information so that all information obtained is well validated.</p>Muhammad Khakim Ashari Khakim
Copyright (c) 2024 Anjasmoro: Islamic Interdisciplinary Journal
2024-09-292024-09-2921243810.69965/anjasmoro.v2i1.36Bediom Tradition in Cultivating Social Care Character Education Values in the Lampung Saibatin Community, West Lampung Regency
<p>Lampung society is known as a society that adheres to tradition in treading the reality of its social life, including the Bediom tradition. Bediom is the culture and customs of the Lampung people, especially the coastal Indigenous people who will move house (moving lamban) either a newly built house or a house that has been standing for a long time and will be occupied by new residents. This study aims to analyze the Implementation of the Bediom tradition in fostering the value of social care character education and why the Bediom tradition is still carried out today by the Lampung people. This research is a type of qualitative research using a social construction approach. This research was conducted in Turgak village, Belalau sub-district, West Lampung district. Data collection was carried out utilizing observation, document collection, and interviews. Data sources include interviews with traditional leaders, community leaders, and religious leaders. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Bediom tradition in fostering the value of social care character education in the Lampung Saibatin community is very good and has many positive impacts. And can foster the value of social care character education including 1) mutual cooperation, 2) respect, 3) being grateful, and 4) togetherness. There are several reasons why the Bediom tradition is still carried out today by the Lampung Saibatin community including 1) The Bediom tradition is one of the identities of the Lampung Saibatin community, West Lampung Regency, 2) As a form of appreciation and respect for ancestors, 3) To maintain the sacredness of the implementation of the Bediom tradition, 4) The Bediom tradition can keep up with the times.</p>Haris BudimanDendi Ari SulendraAinur Rofiq
Copyright (c) 2024 Anjasmoro: Islamic Interdisciplinary Journal
2024-09-302024-09-3021394710.69965/anjasmoro.v2i1.85Implementation of Tahfidz Learning in Developing Religious Character at SMAS Wahid Hasyim Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto
<p>Islamic education is the main foundation in the character-building of students in SMAS Wahid Hasyim. One important aspect of Islamic education is tahfidz Al-Qur'an, which aims to memorize the Qur'an and integrate Islamic values into students' lives. This study aimed to explore the implementation of tahfidz Al-Qur'an learning in developing students' religious character in SMAS Wahid Hasyim. This research method uses a qualitative approach with a case study research type. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and document analysis. The sources of this study were the Principal, Deputy Curriculum, Homeroom Teachers, and Tahfidz Teachers at SMAS Wahid Hasyim. The results of the study showed that the implementation of tahfidz Al-Qur'an learning had a significant impact on the development of students' character, who were initially still too lazy to worship but after they understood the contents of the Qur'an they were finally able to make the best use of their time when they were free at school. Likewise, before understanding the contents of the Qur'an, their manners towards their teachers and parents were still lacking. Still, after understanding the contents of the Qur'an, they became more respectful towards their teachers and parents. In conclusion, implementing tahfidz Al-Qur'an learning at SMAS Wahid Hasyim has an important role in developing students' religious character. Therefore, it is recommended that tahfidz Al-Qur'an learning continue to be improved and supported by various innovative learning strategies and methods to prove students' success in understanding and practicing the teachings of the Qur'an in their daily lives.</p>Handini Tria WardaniM. Anas Ma’arif
Copyright (c) 2024 Anjasmoro: Islamic Interdisciplinary Journal